
butcher shop中文是什么意思

  • 肉店。



  • 例句与用法
  • The one where the body was cut up and hidden in the butcher shop
  • A lawyer ' s dog , running around town unleashed , heads for a butcher shop and steals a roast
  • We fear everything . we even fear that the butcher shop will look at us with different eyes every time we pass by now
  • He even carried them in his pockets , and reviewed them at odd moments on the street , or while waiting in butcher shop or grocery to be served
  • The cumberland sausage is bought by length rather than weight , and when you see it in a butchers shop , is coiled in a circle as in the photograph
  • Cheung chau is a picturesque island with a waterfront that bustles with activity . there are butcher shops and vendors selling fresh fish , shellfish , fruit and vegetables
  • Jim picks up the piece of meat and he takes his sons hand and he walks down to the butcher shop and they return it and they go out of the store and he says , " son , we dont steal
  • The other butchers in the area realized that what happened to the zhaos could easily happen to them , too , so they closed up their butcher shops and went into other lines of business
  • He was within a foot of the cardboard box when suddenly there was a slight movement from the box and the crying ceased , all was quiet except the thrum of the fans in the butchers shop wall
  • But the market ' s real heart lies next door in a huge warehouse - like building , which until recently housed everything from produce to hardware , butcher shops to dvds
    不过,整个市场的主要部分是它隔壁的那家像仓库一样的大建筑,直到不久前这里也是应有尽有,从农副产品到五金工具,从牛羊肉到dvd ,五花八门,不一而足。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold
    同义词:meat market,

  • 其他语种释义
  • butcher shopとは意味:〈米俗〉病院{びょういん}、肉屋{にくや}、精肉店{せいにく てん}
  • 推荐英语阅读
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